Friday, August 28, 2009

NBC responds to criticism of change in poll wording
Pollster Behind Controversial Public Option Poll Has Long Ties To Insurance Industry

Health Care For America Now (HCAN) argues that a change in the NBC/Wall Street Journal's wording of a key poll question about health care reform produces skewed results.

In June, the NBC/WSJ poll asked:

In any health care proposal, how important do you feel it is to give people a choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government and a private plan for their health insurance--extremely important, quite important, not that important, or not at all important?
76 percent said it was extremely or quite important to include such a plan in health care reform.

In July, NBC and the Journal changed their wording:

Would you favor or oppose creating a public health care plan administered by the federal government that would compete directly with private health insurance companies?
That produced a much more negative response. There are indications that the new NBC/WSJ out this evening will repeat that July wording, with similar results.

Also read

Are we getting into the winter season already?

It wasn't that cool this morning. But I started feeling that the weather was changing and getting into the winter mood.
The cool weather reminded me of a picture I took several years back.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Uiowa myweb setting

Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML (Paperback)

A good book to learn about web publishing languages

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A photoslide made and exported as a mov file with Flash

Yes! This is my family!

Processing Multiple Files in Photoshop

Lesson overview:
Organize images in a folder, open an
image and record modifications, and
apply those modifications to the
remaining images in the folder.
Tools used:
• Actions Palette
• Batch Process Panel
Skills covered:
• Preparing files to be batch processed
• Recording an Action
• Batch Processing
What you will do:
You will process multiple field trip images at the same time. These images are being prepared to be
placed in a newsletter.
Relevance to teaching:
Save time by applying modifications to groups of images rather than changing each image individually.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jason Jones visits New York Times

There’s Alex Jones and there’s Jason Jones. The two unrelated ­Joneses offer competing commentaries on journalism in our times. Amid the hubbub about how we will get the news if newspapers keep drowning in the wrong color of ink, Alex offers a passionate but lucid analysis of where we are and where we might be going. Jason tells jokes on “The Daily Show.”...
from NYTimes Article "The Daily Show," which is a book review on LOSING THE NEWS:The Future of the News That Feeds Democracy By Alex S. Jones, 234 pp. Oxford University Press. $24.95. By Harold Evans

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
End Times
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Friday, August 21, 2009

Subaru OEM Trailer Hitch

contents from Subaru Forester owner's club at

The aftermarket hitches are bolt-ons that hang below the bumper and are more easily installed.

The 2009 OEM hitch requires the complete removal of the bumper cover, bumper beam and mufflers. Then the bumper beam is discarded and the bumper cover is cut.

The aftermarket hitches transmit crash forces into the body. By replacing the bumper beam, the OEM hitch becomes a part of the factory-designed crash absorption, an engineered sacrificial part of the rear crash-worthiness.

If you are capable of installing the OEM hitch per the instructions in the PDF file downloadable from Free Publications > Accessory Installation Guides,
you can get the hitch for $356 from

The 2009 OEM hitch is more complicated, expensive and difficult to install than previous Forester hitches. It includes the harness with a special grommet to come out of the spare tire well. It includes holes for tying the car down on a flat bed tow truck. And most of all, it is part of the Subaru rear bumper crash safety design. For me, those are good reasons to buy it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

External Hard Drive Formatting for FCP

Re: What's difference between mac OS Extened and Mac OS Extended (Journaled)?

I think there is some confusion here between journaling and Spotlight indexing.

Journaling is a feature of the file system (e.g. HFS+, ZFS, NTFS, etc.) A Journaling file system is one that keeps a fail-safe log of all read/write operations, and updates the log according to what operations complete successfully. This "journal" allows the file system to remain in a known state and to be immune to crashes.

I would strongly advise that you turn on journaling for external discs as well. It will likely come in handy if you accidentally unplug the drive while transferring files, for instance. The performance hit that comes from enabling journaling is negligible on modern hardware.

Spotlight indexing is the process of observing all the changes to the file system (so the Spotlight engine sits on top of the file system, whatever that may be) and maintaining an index of metadata for each file on the disc. I am not sure how indexing could interfere with Log and Transfer, but that's just ignorance on my part: I'm sure there's plenty of things that can go wrong with it...

Re: What's difference between mac OS Extened and Mac OS Extended (Journaled)?

[Gabriele de Simone] "I am not sure how indexing could interfere with Log and Transfer, but that's just ignorance on my part: I'm sure there's plenty of things that can go wrong with it... "

That's why there's the option to drag any drive into Spotlight's Privacy Window so the app leaves the drive alone.

With these days of faster processing and read/write speeds I'm sure that journaling your discs wouldn't be too much of issue with stuff like DV NTSC capture, but larger formats that require more processing might be. To be safe I always recommend to keep Spotlight and Journaling out of the picture for media drives. This is a question that always splits the answers into two camps: those like myself and those that contend that journaling is not the issue it once was. There's a ton of posts on this topic if one uses the COW's search function.

Here's one of them:

Time Warner Clips–But Not Shows–Land on YouTube

Google’s video site has hammered out a deal with Time Warner to show clips from the media conglomerate’s cable networks, TV shows and movies.

But you won’t be seeing full-length shows or movies from Time Warner (TWX) on the world’s biggest video site–it’s saving those for cable companies that play along with its “TV Everywhere” plan...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Online Journalism

"Not long ago, the typical beginning reporter faced a simple choice: print or broadcast. Those options remain. But today’s growth area is in multimedia jobs that blur and often obliterate the old boundaries. It’s a proving ground forging not just new kinds of journalism but a new species of journalist, as well." (Carl Sessions Stepp, senior editor, American Journalism Review)

"The Web -- and a converged multmedia news environment -- seem more clearly than ever to be journalism's future." (Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media annual report, 2005)

News is a conversation." (Jeff Jarvis, veteran print journalist, blogger and educator)

from Prof. Jane Singer's website