Monday, November 23, 2009

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

Students Produce New Monthly TV Magazine Show Called “219 West”

219 West Promo from CUNY Grad School of Journalism on Vimeo.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Commodification of the Past

Yugo-nostalgia: Cultural Memory and Media in former Yugoslavia - Zala Volčič

commodification of the past

ideological machinery
Yogoslavian subjects
to imagine common historical memory

Yugoslavia as a cultural, civic space

Internally unified homogenous nation state after the collapse of the USSR

civilian supra-national identity

commercialization of culture
all were used to reimagine the cultural idenity

Nostalgia Industry

1. Revisionist Nostalgia
2. Aethetic Nostalgia
3. Escapist, utopian nostalgia

Yugoslavia Cyber Citizenship

To redeem their dignity
They want to define themselves on the background of different identities.
Reinvent Yugoslavia
Tito might have been first easily available entity they can utilize to symbolize their imagined identity.
How do they reconcile their pursuit of new versions of national memory with their painful past in which many people killed, tortured, and bombed?
Physical and spiritual freedom necessitates ideological supporting that back up their new identity and fill the void left out after the dictatorial regimes in the past

How nostalgia is enlisted in the process of production of nationalism?
